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The Eyebeam Artist Directory is a searchable, indexical resource of every artist who has been supported with a fellowship or residency. This directory is a work-in-progress.

Zack Booth Simpson
Zack Booth Simpson Project Resident
Knowear Project Resident
Eric Reiffsteck
Eric Reiffsteck Collaborator
Michael Rosenthal
Michael Rosenthal Collaborator
neuroTransmitter Project Resident
Albert Yu
Albert Yu Research Resident
Brett McConnell
Brett McConnell Research Resident
Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman
Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman Project Resident
Ye Won Cho
Ye Won Cho Research Resident

Eyebeam models a new approach to artist-led creation for the public good; we are a non-profit that provides significant professional support and money to exceptional artists for the realization of important ideas that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Nobody else is doing this.

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