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Valencia, a black woman with long black hair in a gray outfit, strikes a dance pose, facing a small, black camera on a short tripod with a gray dead cat.Valencia, a black woman with long black hair in a gray outfit, strikes a dance pose, facing a small, black camera on a short tripod with a gray dead cat.
What is human about technology?

Rapid Response Fellow (2020), Valencia James, dances before a homemade motion capture kit titled the Volumetric Performance Toolbox.

Humanizing technology is a priority for many of our artists. Our community of researchers, technologists, and artists invent around questions of how to engage with technology’s potentials in order to open up ways in which it can be of service to both people and all beings on the planet.

Indigenous Technology

Our community oriented artists connect to their heritage and identities as a point of reference. These artists look at the myths guiding technological progress including the stories that have been left out and need to be revisited and rescued, as well as previous stories civilizations told themselves about technology. See the latest below. 

Decolonizing Digital

We invest in visionary artists who are addressing the impact of colonial systems and re-imagine technology made with new social values. See the latest below. 

Hybrid Engagement

We have pivoted to a digital-first, hybrid format and are building robust, highly engaged online/offline programs widely distributed to diverse practitioners and audiences. 

Exiting Surveillance Capitalism

An urgent conversation continues to unfold around big data and its misrepresentation of social realities. We support artists concerned with this dark frontier of power in order to exit, and replace, surveillance capitalism. Read more


A 4x3 tiled grid of the artist fellows - each photo is described in the artist's section below.
The Democracy Machine The Democracy Machine is our radical experiment created to unlock artist-led invention in the areas of self-governance, technology, and democracy. The fellowship takes place against an ongoing transformation at Eyebeam and builds on Rapid Response for a Better Digital Future, a fast moving initiative created early in the pandemic so that artists could come together and explore the dark frontier of power that commodifies personal information at the expense of democracy and freedom.

Eyebeam models a new approach to artist-led creation for the public good; we are a non-profit that provides significant professional support and money to exceptional artists for the realization of important ideas that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Nobody else is doing this.

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