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Or Zubalsky
Current location
Brooklyn, NY
Year(s) of residency and/or fellowship
201716, Project Resident

Or Zubalsky is an artist and educator based in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn). They explore how coding participates in practices of political resistance.

Zubalsky’s projects originate in software and are encountered as digital platforms, physical objects, installations, gatherings, and performances. Their work is compelled by curiosity regarding the ways in which the composition and execution of code manifest as political action, capable of both healing and shifting power relations. With a commitment to unlearn and resist settler-colonialism, they engage the complexity that software-based systems afford in order to reflect on, criticize, and intervene in existing systems of power.

Their work and collaborations have been supported by The New Museum, The Museum of Art and Design, Queens Museum of Art, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, Rhizome, Eyebeam, ILAND, Brooklyn Arts Council, NARS, Smack Mellon, among other institutions and groups. They are currently a NEW INC member in the Art and Code track and teach at Parsons School of Design.

Eyebeam NYFA Project (2016 – 2017):

In Collaboration with Caroline Woolard

The Study Center for Group Work is an open-access library of collaborative methods. The Center provides: (1) an online resource of lesson plans, readings, and objects, (2) gatherings for artists to share resources, and (3) accessible public trainings in methods of listening, attention, and collaboration. Just as dancers take classes throughout their lives, the Center aims to cultivate a network of visual artists who are committed to group work through daily practice. It started with an exhibition. Watch a video about it, here.

Eyebeam models a new approach to artist-led creation for the public good; we are a non-profit that provides significant professional support and money to exceptional artists for the realization of important ideas that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Nobody else is doing this.

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