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Carmen Trudell
Current location
San Luis Obispo, CA
Year(s) of residency and/or fellowship
2006, Project Resident
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Carmen Trudell holds a B.Arch from the Architecture Department at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, and an M.S. in Advanced Architectural Design from the School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, Columbia University, NY.

Trudell is currently pursuing a Doctorate of Philosophy at the Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.

She has held a number of academic positions at her alma mater, Columbia University, and most recently taught at the New York City College of Technology, Brooklyn, NY. Carmen comes as well with a wealth of professional experience that spans over two decades.

Carmen has conducted extensive research and has received numerous awards and grants. Her current teaching and professional work has been guided by three threads – research, technology, and sustainability. Licensed both in California and New York, she is also a LEED Accredited Professional. Carmen will lend her talent at the undergraduate level in the first year design and in the Environmental Control Systems sequence.

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