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Annelie Koller
Current location
Boston, MA
Year(s) of residency and/or fellowship
201516, Project Resident

Through the lens of biology, technology, and human ecology, Annelie Koller seeks to develop a new language of design for a better future.

Koller is currently the Creative Director at iRobot. Previously, she was the experience design lead at the biotech startup Modern Meadow, the first company to grow sustainable collagen-based materials in a lab.

Koller is also a founding member of the New York-based Lady Tech Guild which aims to empower women in the emerging manufacturing industry. She also co-produces the Biofabricate summit that showcases the current world of biologically grown materials for consumer applications.

Koller held a part-time lecturing post at the Parsons School of Design and is a past resident of the art and technology foundation, Eyebeam. She graduated with an M.Arch degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, and an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons, New York.

Eyebeam Project Resident (2015- 2016): To Scale Project Residency

Biopticon (2016)
Mixed media

Through new forms of technology, Biopticon
creates an architecture where matter has agency and man becomes material.

“We’re getting to the point where we can engineer synthetic biology to program artificial intelligence.” – Koller

More about Eyebeam’s “To Scale” Group Exhibition from 2016

This work was exhibited at Eyebeam’s former space in Industry City, in a group exhibition, titled “To Scale” from May 14th – 26th, 2016.

To Scale:

Eyebeam opened its studios to the public for a two-week show of recent projects exploring concepts of scale. These projects, the result of six months of research, share an ability to switch with ease from the view up close to the distant perspective.

Whether shifting scale through physical size, optical resolution, biological complexity or political organizing, they show that reality can seem totally different depending on context or even viewpoint. The world is not flat, but round like a lens.

Eyebeam models a new approach to artist-led creation for the public good; we are a non-profit that provides significant professional support and money to exceptional artists for the realization of important ideas that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Nobody else is doing this.

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