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Dhruv Mehrotra
Current location
New York, NY
Year(s) of residency and/or fellowship
201718, Trust Resident; 201819, ECFJ Fellow

Dhruv Mehrotra is an investigative data reporter for WIRED. He uses technology to find, build, and analyze datasets for storytelling.

Before joining WIRED, he worked for the Center for Investigative Reporting and was a researcher at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. At Gizmodo, he was on a team that won an Edward R. Murrow Award for Investigative Reporting for their story Prediction: Bias. Mehrotra is based in New York.

Interview: Meet Dhruv Mehrotra

Dhruv Mehrotra
2017 – 2018
Trust Resident

Who are you?

I am an activist and engineer who thinks about networks, power, and policy. I’m currently a Researcher at the Risk Econ Lab at New York University where I’m working on open-source cellular networks with Saycel.

What are you working on?

At Eyebeam I plan on working on projects that challenge the corporate consolidation of the internet.  How can we trust a network that actively seeks to exploit and undermine our interests?  My project, the Othernet, is a vision of another type of network – one that exists alongside the internet but serves the community in which it lives.

What are you most excited about?

Working with the other residents to build things that make the world a bit more fair.

Dhruv is an activist and engineer who thinks about networks, power, and policy. He’s currently a Researcher at the Risk Econ Lab at New York University working on open-source cellular networks with Saycel.

Eyebeam models a new approach to artist-led creation for the public good; we are a non-profit that provides significant professional support and money to exceptional artists for the realization of important ideas that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Nobody else is doing this.

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